About eBulletin

    Pashubandha, Monthly eBulletin

    Respected Veterinarians,

    Wish you a very happy and prosperous year 2013. I am pleased to inform the launch of e-bulletin from the Veterinary College, Bangalore from January 2012 and the website www.pashubandhavcheb.in on 31st January 2013.

    Though there are many books / publications / journals both scientific and popular, many Veterinarians who are researchers / academicians / clinicians working in field have expressed a great lacuna in Veterinary profession in terms of getting a research based information / material in the area of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Practice, which could be implemented in day to day practice for betterment of farming community. Further, Veterinarians have also expressed the need of the material in the simplest and the fastest way of communication.

    In view of this and also considering the era of advanced communications methods and as per the suggestions of the our Senior Alumni and Former Professor and Head, Dept. of Livestock Production and Management and presently Member of Board of Management, KVAFSU, Bidar Prof. B. Prabhakar Hegde, a thought of publishing a e-bulletin was discussed amongst the faculty and then an e-bulletin namely “Pashubandha” has emerged and the same is being published under the banner of Veterinary College, Bangalore with Prof. K. Satyanarayan, Professor and Head, Dept. of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension as Associate Editor.

    Pashubandha will be published as a e-bulletin every month and will be sent to the email ID of the subscribers. Subscription to the e-bulletin can be registered by sending your email ID to the Associate Editor on the Pashubandha email ID (pashubandhavch@gmail.com) and there is no registration fee.

    Pashubandha has been designed to publish 2 to 3 short articles, which will contain new developments in the field of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Practice and I am sure this will be very beneficial to the Veterinarians / Researchers / Academicians. We will be pleased if you can send any material worth publishing for the benefit of the Veterinary Professionals, you can send the same to Pashubandha email ID (pashubandhavch@gmail.com) and same will be published after scrutiny by the Editorial Committee.

    More information about the content of the article can be obtained by corresponding with the author through his / her email address.

    Truly yours
    In pursuit of Veterinary Profession

    Dr. S. Yathiraj
    Dean & Editor.